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REVO Coating & Why It Is Important

REVO Coating & Why It Is Important

REVO-coated lenses differ from non-REVO lenses primarily in their ability to enhance vision, improve comfort, and offer better protection. Here are the key differences:

1. Lens Coating and Glare Reduction:

  • REVO-Coated Lenses:
    • REVO lenses are treated with a multi-layer coating designed to reduce glare and reflections. This makes them highly effective in bright conditions, especially on the road.
    • They offer superior protection against harsh sunlight and significantly reduce eye strain.
  • Non-REVO Lenses:
    • Standard lenses without REVO coating may offer basic protection against UV rays, but they lack the same level of glare reduction.
    • They may allow more light to pass through and are less effective in reducing eye strain in bright conditions.

2. Color Enhancement:

  • REVO-Coated Lenses:
    • These lenses often provide enhanced color contrast and clarity by filtering out certain wavelengths of light.
    • The result is a more vivid and vibrant visual experience, making them ideal for riding.
  • Non-REVO Lenses:
    • Basic lenses do not enhance colors to the same extent and may offer a more neutral or natural view, without the same level of contrast.

3. UV Protection:

  • REVO-Coated Lenses:
    • Typically, REVO lenses block 100% of UVA, UVB, and UVC rays, providing excellent protection against harmful radiation.
  • Non-REVO Lenses:
    • Some non-REVO lenses provide UV protection, but the level of protection varies. Not all non-REVO lenses offer 100% UV blocking.

4. Durability and Scratch Resistance:

  • REVO-Coated Lenses:
    • The REVO coating adds an extra layer of durability, often improving scratch resistance and prolonging the life of the lenses.
  • Non-REVO Lenses:
    • May be less resistant to scratches and general wear unless treated with a specific anti-scratch coating.

5. Aesthetic:

  • REVO-Coated Lenses:
    • Often have a mirrored or reflective surface, which can be appealing to match your motorcycle or helmet and functional reasons. This also adds a layer of privacy since the wearer's eyes are less visible.
  • Non-REVO Lenses:
    • Usually have a clear or slightly tinted appearance and lack the mirrored finish.

In summary, REVO-coated lenses are designed for superior performance in outdoor environments by reducing glare, enhancing colors, and offering more protection, while non-REVO lenses provide basic optical features without the enhanced visual and protective benefits.

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